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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - trolley


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка trolley на русский


1) тележка, грузовая тележка; вагонетка

2) кошка (электрического крана)

3) токоприёмник

automated trolleyincoming trolleytool trolleytowline-transporting trolleytransfer trolleytransportation trolleytwo-wheel trolleyunmanned trolleywire-guided trolley

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) тележка (разносчика); столик на колесиках для подачи пищи  2) вагонетка; дрезина  3) amer. трамвай  4) electr. роликовый токосниматель; троллей ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. тележка (разносчика) 2. столик на колесиках 3. тех. вагонетка, тележка 4. разг. ам. трамвай 5. троллейбус 6. кин. операторская тележка 7. эл. роликовый токосниматель; троллей Id: off one's trolley —- в душевном смятении; не в себе; помешанный, спятивший 8. ам. ехать на трамвае; везти на трамвае ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. тележка для передвижения товара (в магазине, на складе) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вагонетка 2) вагонеток 3) дрезина 4) кошка 5) тележечный 6) тележка 7) троллей 8) троллейный - crane trolley - launching trolley - self-propelled trolley - timber trolley - towing trolley - trolley shoe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – OHP trolley ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  тележка; вагонетка; тележка крана; вагон-самосвал троллейбус cable crane trolley load trolley tower crane load trolley underhung trolley ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) тележка 2) тележка крана 3) вагонетка 4) думпкар; вагон-самосвал 5) трамвай 6) троллейбус 7) рельсовый робокар 8) передвижной блок (применяемый в подвесной трелёвке) 9) верхний токоприёмник; роликовый токоприёмник 10) швейн. ролик с подвесками для перемещения деталей по направляющей - automatic trolley - basket trolley - cable trolley - cold drink trolley - file trolley - food transport trolley - fork trolley - former trolleys - hot drink trolley - hydraulic servicing trolley - lead-in trolley - mold trolley - pantograph trolley - pole trolley - pusher trolley - quench-car trolley - rack trolley - unmanned trolley - warp trolley - wire-following battery-powered trolley - wire guided trolley ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -eys) 1 esp. Brit. a table, stand, or basket on wheels or castors for serving food, transporting luggage or shopping, gathering purchases in a supermarket, etc. 2 esp. Brit. a low truck running on rails. 3 (in full trolley-wheel) a wheel attached to a pole etc. used for collecting current from an overhead electric wire to drive a vehicle. 4 a US = trolley-car. b Brit. = trolley bus. Phrases and idioms trolley bus Brit. an electric bus running on the road and using a trolley-wheel. trolley-car US an electric tram using a trolley-wheel. Etymology: of dial. orig., perh. f. TROLL(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  also trolly  (plural ~s; also trollies)  Etymology: probably from 1troll  Date: 1823  1. dialect England a cart of any of various kinds  2.  a. a device that carries electric current from an overhead wire to an electrically driven vehicle  b. a streetcar powered electrically through a ~ — called also ~ car  3. a wheeled carriage running on an overhead rail or track  4. chiefly British a cart or wheeled stand used for conveying something (as food or books)  II. verb  also trolly  (~ed; also trollied; ~ing; also trollying)  Date: 1882  transitive verb to convey by a ~  intransitive verb to ride on a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (trolleys) 1. A trolley is an object with wheels that you use to transport heavy things such as shopping or luggage. (BRIT; in AM, use cart) A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley. ...supermarket trolleys. N-COUNT 2. A trolley is a small table on wheels which is used for serving drinks or food. (BRIT; in AM, use cart) N-COUNT 3. A trolley is a bed on wheels for moving patients in hospital. (BRIT; in AM, use gurney) N-COUNT 4. A trolley or trolley car is an electric vehicle for carrying people which travels on rails in the streets of a town. (AM; in BRIT, use tram) He took a northbound trolley on State Street. = streetcar N-COUNT 5. If you say that someone is off their trolley, you mean that their ideas or behaviour are very strange. (BRIT INFORMAL) = mad PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 especially BrE a large metal basket or frame on wheels that you push along, used for carrying bags, shopping etc; cart1 (2) AmE  (a supermarket trolley) 2 BrE a small table on very small wheels from which food and drinks are served  (a tea trolley) cart1 (3) AmE 3 AmE an electric vehicle for carrying passengers which moves along the street on metal tracks; tram BrE 4 a trolleybus 5 the part of an electric vehicle that connects it to the electric wires above 6 be off your trolley BrE humorous to be crazy ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1823, "a cart," especially one with wheels flanged for running on a track (1858), probably from troll (v.) in the sense of "to roll." Sense transfered to "pulley to convey current to a streetcar motor" (1890), then "streetcar drawing power by a trolley" (1891). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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